Our Board of Directors


Jay A. Yoder | Chair
Married to Rhonda | Father of four Children | Occupation: MRV Siding
Jay is a true servant leader! He is married to Rhonda and is father to four amazing children. The entire family has been instrumental in getting this ministry off the ground.
Jay has worked for MRV Siding Supply since 2005 and has been an integral member of Lifebridge Community Church in Dover, Ohio, since 2011. He has personally walked with and mentored men struggling with substance abuse and in recovery for years. His faith matters more to him than anything else. Jay and Rhonda responded with an immediate yes when presented with the idea of beginning a recovery ministry on the property they had just purchased. Their desire to be obedient to God has and will keep them going through all the challenges ahead.
"Why did I agree to serve on the board?
Experiencing God's Kingdom is so "LIFE GIVING" and I felt that this was one way that I could continue to
experience His Kingdom at work. The testimonials have been incredible even in the early stages
of this God Work.
How is this stretching me?
ï‚·- Trusting Jesus more.
ï‚·- Being more patient.
ï‚·- Making prayer a priority.
ï‚·- Trying to getting along with paperwork, my least favorite thing to do!

Nancy Dawson | Vice Chair
Married to Chris | Mom to 3 & Stepmom to 3
Nancy is a native of Western NY & moved to Ohio in 2015. Through big and scary life events like divorce, a major career change and moving to a new state, her recovery has always been a priority. She has launched 2 Celebrate Recovery ministries, one in NY and the 2nd in New Philadelphia.
Working the 12 steps of biblical recovery, over the last 25 years, Nancy has seen personal victory over alcoholism, sexual sin & codependency. God continues to work through the 12 steps and His Holy Word to stretch & grow her. Long term, healthy recovery is possible!
Why did I agree to serve on the board?
"I met Kathy Neal & began her involvement with Beneath the Shade in October 2020. I am grateful to share my recovery experience to assist with the continued growth of this beautiful & life changing ministry!"

Nick & Nadine Javas | Directors of Operations and Ministry
Nick and Nadine achieved recovery in 2009 and have since worked with people all over the world through their mentoring, coaching and managing recovery programs. They desire for everyone in recovery to find their callings, and show the world, and themselves, how unique they truly are. Nick and Nadine live in New Phila and have 2 amazing boys, Miles and Malcolm.
"Why did we want to be a part of Beneath The Shade?"
"Through our experience, we KNOW that long-term sober living is a true solution for people with addiction. We believe Beneath the Shade's non-profit structure is removing one of the biggest barriers for people looking for help. We believe in its mission and we believe in the people who are involved. We want it to succeed!"

Mike Fredericks | Treasurer
Married to Justine / Father of four children / Broker/Owner Fredericks Insurance
Mike is proprietor of Fredericks Insurance, LLC in New Philadelphia and works with businesses and individuals to fulfill their medical insurance and Medicare insurance needs.
Mike has served on the Tuscarawas County Board of Directors since 2017. In addition, Mike chaired the Tuscarawas County American Heart Association from 1997 to 2000 and chaired the Sacred Heart Parrish finance committee from 2002 to 2014. Mike is also involved with our community’s youth by serving as the head strength coach at Tuscarawas Central Catholic High School.
Why did I agree to serve on the board?
"I believe substance abuse is one of, if not the, most threatening things to our society and I desire to involve myself with an organized effort to push against this threat. Additionally, I believe the spiritual component is essential. It is important in my personal life and to Beneath the Shade as an organization. We must win this battle."

Brian Proctor | Board Member
Married to Jackie / Father of three / Owner MaPP Investment Firm
Brian is married to Jackie and father to Daniel, Mark, and Piper Grace. With the exception of his college
years, Brian has been a resident of New Philadelphia his entire life. He has a deep love and compassion
for this part of the state of Ohio.
Brian has been a board member with the Tuscarawas County YMCA, Starlite Enterprises, Tuscarawas
County Re-Entry Coalition, A New Beginnings jail ministry, and The American Red Cross. He is currently
an Elder at Riverside Community Church and serves on the worship/music ministry team.
Why did I agree to serve on the board?
"I have a compassion for the people in our city that struggle with addiction, recovery, feeling lost and unloved. I have come to a season where my non-profit involvement needs to be focused on what God has called me to invest my time into. There was a very specific moment when God put a deep desire to serve on this board. Ask me about it when you see me and I’ll be happy to share that story!"